
Happy times with Version Control

Presented by Bruce Sullivan | Academy of Art July 2013

Who I am.

I am Bruce Sullivan. I am…

Front End Developer
Beard/Coffee/Type/Beer/Lumberjacking Enthusiast


Let's talk workflow…

Starting out...


Scenario 2:

Scenario 3:

Is there a better way?

Why, yes. Yes there is.

What is Git?

Git is a Version Control System (VCS). VCS allows you to:

  • Create a History
  • Track changes
  • Make checkpoints
  • Make different versions
  • Go back in time

How we're going to do things…

The Basics


Web/Command Line

Git Workflow

Initial Repository

Initial Commit

Changes, and commit


Changes, and commit

Merge Branch


$ git push

Summing things up…


  1. Make Changes
  2. Stage the Changes
  3. Commit
  4. ????
  5. Profit.


  1. Make a Branch
  2. Commit Changes
  3. Merge Branches
  4. ????
  5. Profit.


$ git push


People learn in lots of different ways.

Experiences is the best teacher.

Git Apps

Command Line

The Basics

# Changes the directory.
$ cd

# Goes up one directory.
$ cd ..

# Changes to the "images" folder inside of "git-repo" inside of "Desktop"
$ cd Desktop/git-repo/images

The Basics

# Lists all the files in the current directory
$ ls

# Lists all the files in the current directory...even hidden ones
$ ls -a

# Prints out the current directory
$ pwd

# Makes a directory called "brucerocks"
$ mkdir brucerocks

# Makes a blank file called "the-stars.html"
$ touch the-stars.html


# Secure Shell...zomg haxx
$ ssh


# Makes whatever folder youre in into a Git repository
$ git init

# Checks to see what files have changed since the last commit
$ git status

# Add all the changes and commit them
$ git commit -am "Commit message"

# Push all your changes to the github
$ git push origin

# Pull all your changes from the main repository
$ git pull origin


# Lists all the branches in the repository
$ git branch

# Goes to a certain branch
$ git checkout branchname

# Makes a new branch based off of the current one
$ git checkout -b branchname

# Merge the specified branch into the one you're in
$ git merge branchname

# Deletes specified branch
$ git branch -d branchname


Person me!